Lumber Janes Gathering
20th-27th October 2013
Lumbers is coming up, there is a lot of work to do on the land, trees to plant, food growing area to look after, land to clear and make the house ready for the winter period. There have been big changes on the land this year with the pine tree parcel being felled and water flowing from our own source but to complete the vision of an orchard, more flat camping spaces, native trees and an out of sight parking area we need hands on the land to make this vision come true.
Its also the beginning of the winter period on the land, the first snow will fall and its also time for us faeries to look back of what our ancestors have done, time for reflection in heart circle, celebrating the land and our self, eating apple cake and self made bread, hot showers and talking about vision, how we can help each other in these darker times coming up, dance sing around the bonfire.
Nature and Faeries in community, hand in hand we are.
If you have time and energy come to Lumber Janes and put some love into the land through muscle work or helping look after the workers by cooking food and careing for the house and cuddling faeries after a hard days work or soothing their aching muscles with massage.
The guide for giving at Lumber Janes is 10 euro’s a day. Please be as generous as you can be in your giving by giving more if you can. No one will be turned away of lack of funds.
This event page gives only an indication of who is coming, and for frolics, to register you only can use the registration form !
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