
Please note that the text below is work in progress. Contact the EuroFaeries for any questions and concerns.

Radical Faeries of Europe / EuroFaeries – RFE Travel Fund Guidelines

While there are sufficient funds available to issue such non-refundable grants, this draft document (as updated) still serves as the basic reference point for us.

How to be involved with Radical Faeries of Europe

Membership and Supporters of RFE

a. Non-voting Supporter

Anyone who supports the general aims of the RFE Association just needs to send an email to requesting to subscribe to our mailing list as a recognized supporter. There are no further responsibilities except to renew interest and support as appropriate.

b. Registered Voting Member

Applications are welcome from those who support the general aims and who can also commit to attend an online meeting once a month.

Usually the first 2 online meetings attended will be as a non-voting guest, after which the induction process can be completed.

Members are required to approve pledges of appropriate candidates standing for Executive Board at the RFE Association Great Circles. More details on membership will be offered during the induction period.

c. Companions and Donors

We welcome financial and professional support from those able to offer this. Please contact us via or talk in confidence to one of our members.

Applications for support from RFE to create a gatheringnew info coming soon.

Gathering organizers or those who may be potentially interested in offering activities or new projects that need support are asked to submit proposals and applications. Guidelines and updated information will be held on our website

Help from RFE with travel to gatherings

Travel Fund Guidelines will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Executive Board and the members of RFE.

While there are sufficient funds available to issue such non-refundable grants, this draft document (as updated) still serves as the basic reference point for us.

Because of potential issues in dealing with grant applications over the Christmas and New Year periods, and with reviewing policy during that period, those Annual Guidelines will be held in place from 1st March each year until the end of February the following year.

This is also in alignment with the general pattern of current seasonal gatherings in Europe.

The maximum amount available each year for the GATHERINGS Travel Fund will be determined during the setting of the budget annually (but may be adjusted by review at meetings of Members).


Applications for these funds can only be considered from agreed organizers of gathering or events, on behalf of individual attendees, and not directly from the attendees themselves. This is to ensure that grants will go to participants who are approved fully by the gathering organizers and that organizers undertake the oversight of the process rather

than individual participants.

Travel Grants will normally be restricted on a priority basis for each event /gathering. These priorities will generally be determined by the gathering organizers.

In addition to these specific gathering priorities, grants can usually only be awarded to:

  • those deemed to be in need of financial assistanc
  • those whose participation in the event is agreed and welcomed by the organizers
  • those who have not been in receipt of other travel grant assistance previously in that annual period
  • those who are RFE members or known supporters in contact with the Radical Faeries of Europe

Currently, each gathering / event may be awarded a maximum of 150 euros.

It is recommended that this amount be split equally among 3 applicants but organizers may choose to select up to 4 in certain circumstances. Organizers and beneficiaries must supply receipts showing expenditure on travel when claiming repayment from the fund.

Usually payments are made after expenditure, not before. 

Special Grants Fund – in development

If there is exceptional need: Organizers may determine that they wish to include a participant who is a refugee or asylum seeker or a non-European resident travelling from Africa or Asia and in special

need. They may then apply for a full 150 euro sum to be awarded to that individual to enable travel before the gathering or event.

RFE will need to correspond directly with personal applicants in these situations.

If sufficient funds are available, the RFE Members have discretion to create a separate Special Grants Fund to serve these particular needs and so not deplete the general Gatherings Travel Fund.

The improved support of people in special need of such assistance is likely to lead to the creation of a continuing resource of financial support.  However, this system is not in place currently, so, if desired, we would need to work on this further.

A new form or document “How To Apply for Assistance from the RFE Travel Fund”; will be held for easy reference on our website.

Guidelines for eligible gatherings and events

To be eligible to receive support from the RFE Travel Fund, an event/gathering must meet the following criteria:

  • The event must be held within the geographical area of Europe or in immediately adjacent countries; and must have residents of the country in question involved in the facilitation.
  • The event must be organized by people who are either members or registered supporters of RFE.
  • The event must be openly advertized to radical faery communities across Europe and open to people involved in those communities.
  • There should be a fair and transparent process for selecting and prioritizing participants for the event/gathering – that is to say: private or semi-private events for selected personal friends are not eligible for travel assistance.
  • The event/gathering must not bar nor de-prioritize participants on grounds of inability to pay and so must have either bursary arrangements or No One Turned Away For Lack Of Funds or Give As You Are Able But Always Give Something Systems.

Application Forms and Guidelines for organizers will be created and reviewed regularly and be easily available online. These applications and any queries must be sent to

Annual Periodic Review

Travel Fund Guidelines will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Executive Board and the members of RFE.

Because of potential issues in dealing with grant applications over the Christmas and New Year periods, and with reviewing policy during that period, those Annual Guidelines will be held in place from 1st March each year until the end of February the following year.  This is also in alignment with the general pattern of current seasonal gatherings in Europe.

The maximum amount available each year for the GATHERINGS Travel Fund will be determined during the setting of the budget annually (but may be adjusted by review at meetings of Members.