1st „Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries“ (RFE) COMMUNITY WEEKEND

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in Linz, Austria (Sept. 18/19 to 22, 2024)

The «RFE Community Weekend» is the first come-together of the Radical Faeries in real life since the association „The Radical Faeries of Europe  – Eurofaeries (RFE)“ was founded in December 2023,

We are calling you, dear lovely Radical Faeries and friends, queers and queens, stewards and stewardesses, kings or whatever you are.

It’s time to gather to feel and think about the future of the new Association (RFE), hopefully new Sanctuaries and the self-created and inclusive development of our Faerie community in peace and love.

Preparing this Weekend thoughts of solidarity, support to grow and explore our LGBTQIA+ souls, to find our place on this beautiful planet, to find friendship, to enjoy the gift of life together as Radical Faeries.

Let’s welcome and create a safe space for new members and supporters of the RFE whoever wants to cooperate with us!

Let’s celebrate community building and getting to know each other better as a family of likeminded Radical Faeries in a heart space.

Let’s share our visions for our new legal Association!


The Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries (RFE) is a new legal entity that has formed to support Faerie Gatherings and Faerie Lives in and around the regions of Europe. It has come forward from the former Eurofaerie Stichting in the Netherlands and the subsequent EuroFaerieFund (EFF) in facilitation with and by Les Ami(e)s de Folleterre. 

 You can find info about the old Eurofaerie Stichting here http://www.eurofaeries.eu

The Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries (RFE) has an Association Assembly consisting of the voting members for making decisions, which are then carried out under the responsibility of the Executive Board. This means that unlike the former Eurofaerie Stichting, the „Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries (RFE) now have a much more horizontal and democratic organisation.

We are looking for members who are interested in supporting this new Association with their input and their help in the various tasks and parts of the organisation, showing up for Association Assemblies, taking over Committee work, help with networking etc.

We are also looking for supporters, who don’t have voting rights, but are interested to be kept informed, would like to attend meetings as guests, give extra advice, support in any possible ways etc. 

Sept 19-22, 2024

The gatherette in Linz is a welcome occasion for Faeries who would be interested in this specific new Association, to get together in a single location for a short weekend and discuss: What is this Association technically, legally, how is it organised, what is its history, given our already formed statutes and goals, ways of working.

The word „Community“ still also means work :-). This kind of work includes procedures, forms, legal insights communications, minutes, etc. 

We are looking to attract potential members who are willing and interested to support these kinds of technicalities, so that together we can fulfill our goals as expressed in our statutes, working with/in all the other existing Faerie-entities here in Europe.  


We shall gather in the centre of Europe, at Linz in Upper Austria (the 3rd largest city in Austria, easily to be reached by train from all over Europe and Vienna, Graz or Linz Airports too) in our brand new Faerie House (the Faerie Castle”)

The Gathering begins Thursday September 19 around noon and ends on Sunday September 22 in the early afternoon. The Faeriehouse in Linz will already open from 6:00pm on Wednesday September 18, for those arriving early.

At least 10 Radical Faeries can stay in comfortable and cozy rooms inside and there is space for about 4 tents outside in our garden.

Let’s create again a new cosmos of Faerie Magic! A world full of empathy and inclusion, far away from all the clichés, where we can be fabulously queer and deal with our queer, trans, gay, lesbian, bi, nonbinary, gender fluid spirits. We shall enjoy four beautiful days in autumn, live together in the Faeriehouse, prepare together delicious (vegetarian, maybe vegan) meals, make heart circles, discuss in love and with respect, work together and for relaxation also visit the nearby parks of Linz. 

With this gathering weintend to attracting  new Radical Faeries to actively participate as members or supporters in the new association „The Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries“ (RFE). This association manages also the Eurofaeriefund (EFF), which has the objective to support the Faerie community in its development by co-financing or by advancing funds for gatherings but also for prospective sanctuaries. 

As such an association, we have to abide by some regulations, stipulated by Dutch law. During the gathering we shall also discuss the procedures linked to granting contributions out of the Eurofaeriefunds, our policy concerning diversity and inclusion, the members’ or supporter’s commitment, and the administrative issues linked to the association’s administration.

We clarify that all discussions made in Linz are advisory with regard to possible decisions of the „Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries (RFE) (i.e. Executive Board and voting members and quoracy).

For those who cannot come to Linz or intend to participate remotely, it is also possible to take part in our daily open ZOOM Meetings at 19:00 (on Thursday, Friday and Saturday). The link will be sent out with our newsletter to all Faeries who registered.

During the gathering we mostly communicate via our Signalgroup for participants. Like all gatherings, the content will be self-created by the community.

To register, please send an e-mail with your Faerie name to faerietreffen@hotmail.com and tell us when you arrive and what you need.

The financial contribution is according to your possibilities, we share the costs for food and drinks. This is a substance and alcohol free gathering. Please do not bring (non-human) animals to the Faeriehouse!

This Radical Faerie gathering offers the policy of NOTAFLOF (no one turned away for lack of funds), and asks that you GAYABAGS  (give as you are able but always give something) to come to this Gatherette – please ask one of the organizers beforehand and we will try to help you to come.

Registered Faeries will receive a brief newsletter with more details around 7 days before the gathering.

Very much looking forward to see you soon!

For the organizers (in alphabetical order):

Kalinda, Mata Hari, Red Rose, Theoklymenos on behalf of  The Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries (RFE)




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