
What is a faerie gathering?

A faerie gathering is a gathering of those persons who identify as or have interest in the Radical Faeries. Every gathering is different, as sometimes they are very large and active, sometimes small and quiet, and they may be everything in between.

Gatherings are exactly what we feel them to be and we we co-create them together. They are a true expression of faerie community and culture. Gatherings are experimentations and learning and are open and welcome to all, unless specified otherwise in the gathering call. Gatherings are great times to make contact with others persons with interest or identification with the Radical Faeries.

The first international gathering of faeries in Europe happened during the summer of 1995, on the Dutch island of Terschelling. Since then, the movement has grown both in number of faeries and in number of nationalities, thus melting the North American traditions into a uniquely European movement, with its own international culture and sensibilities.


Spaces & Communities

Currently, the EuroFaeries who live in various parts of Europe organise meetings, parties, circles, gatherettes, workshops and some larger gatherings each year.

Although most activities take place in our sanctuary in Folleterre, France, the Albion Faeries also organise numerous gatherings in the UK and Hadas del Sol in Spain. There are active circles and quite a few events in various parts of Germany, Spain, The Netherlands (especially around Amsterdam), Sweden (especially in Stockholm), France (especially in Paris), Austria (centred around Vienna with its heart opened to the East), Belgium and Denmark (especially in Copenhagen).

Navigate to the online sites by clicking on the links above. Connect to other faeries and find out more about faerie groups and spaces around Europe! Faenet is a great resource to connect and find new faeries.


Events in 2025

February 2025
Radical Faerie Gathering in Palestine, Feb 19-22

March 2025
Featherstone Ostara, Northumberland, UK, March 7-17
Folklóricas, Valle de Sensaciones, Spain, March 31-April 6

April 2025
Spring Community Week, Folleterre, France April 13- April 24
Floralia, Bergeijk, The Netherlands April 25 – May 2
Beltane Holes and Poles, Folleterre, France April 26 – May 5

May 2025
Open House Days, Folleterre France, May 6 – June 6
Spring Love Awakening Gathering, Paddington Farm, Glastonbury, UK May 8-18
Gavdos gathering, Gavdos, Greece May 27- June 5

June 2025
Radical Kink, Finocchietto selvatico, Italy, June 6-13
Dreamspace, Folleterre France June 8 -June 18
Reunion gathering, Terschelling, The Netherlands, June 13-22
A Summer in Berlin, Berlin, Germany, June 18-22
Summer solstice, Folleterre France June 19 – June 29
Litha, Florenville, Belgium, June 20-30

July 2025
The Isle of Moonlit Mischief, The Netherlands, July 8-16
Sex Magick, France, July 19-26 (workshop)

September 2025
Sex Magick, France, September 6-13 (workshop)
Beauty Will Save the World, Opatija, Croatia, September 13-20
Here you get access to gatherings that take place in Folleterre sanctuary.
Here you get access to gatherings that take place by the Albion Faeries.

Please consult the email contacts in the gathering call documents or online sites for more information about the events. Please let us know info(a) in case you think a gathering should (not) be listed here.



Events in 2024

Vienna’s EUROGAMES Gathering, July 16 – 21, 2024

Summer Transcendence 2024 Call, 14th – 23rd June 2024. Somerset, UK

Inaugural gathering ‘Fate di qua, fate di là’, April 16-21, 2024. Florence, Italy

1st „Radical Faeries of Europe – Eurofaeries“ (RFE) COMMUNITY WEEKEND, Sept.19 to 22. Linz, Austria

Events in 2023

Here is a list of gatherings that will take place in Europe organised by groups and individuals close to the Radical Faerie identity and groups:

Roots’n Fruits Gathering, 12-19 March, Folleterre,France

Ostara Spring Gathering, 14-23 March, Featherstone Castle, UK

Spring Witches Gathering, 01-10 April, Valley de Sensationes, Yator, Andalusia, Spain

Great Circle of Hadas del Sol, 11-15 April, Valley de Sensationes, Yator, Andalusia, Spain

Green Man Gathering, 07-14 April, Vianden, Luxemburg

Magic Gathering, 15-19 April, Storridge, UK

Spring Community Week, 18-26 April, Folleterre, France

Gaia Gatherette, 20-23 April, Herbeumont, Belgium

C’est Beltane, 28 April – 08 May, Folleterre, France

Spring Love Awakening Gathering, 04-14 May, Glastonbury, UK

Summer Solstice Gathering, 16-26 June, Folleterre, France

Sussex Summer Solstice Gathering, 17-24 June, Sussex, UK

Summer Solstice Gathering, 20-25 June, De Kluut Island, The Netherlands

A Summer in Berlin Faerie City Gathering, 28 June- 01 July, Berlin, Germany

Summer Community Week, 21 July – 02 August, Folleterre, France

4th Global Gathering, 26 July – 03 August, Estonia

Hearts & Minds Gathering, 03-09 August, Folleterre, France

Being Alive Gathering, 05-12 August, Krakow, Poland

Gurlz Just Wanna Harvest!, 11-20 August, Folleterre, France

Radical Rest, 22-31 August, Folleterre, France

Samhain Gathering, 17-26 October, Featherstone Castle, UK