The EuroFaerie Stichting (Foundation) was founded in 1992 by a small group of Faeries. It is a legal foundation registered under Dutch law. It was created to establish and support Faerie gatherings, particularly in Netherlands and around Europe. In 2015, the EuroFaerie Stichting was absorbed into the organization Les Amis de Folleterre, preserved under the care of special EuroFaeries stewards within the Folleterre Stewards Circle. After a hiatus in its existence as a legal foundation, a group of us aim to register EuroFaeries as a non-profit organisation in 2023 in order to continue our work.
The funding of the Stichting has been used to guarantee bookings, such as for the venue at Terschelling island where the EuroFaeries first gathered. It has also been used for loans, including the mortgage for the purchase of the Folleterre sanctuary. The Stichting’s funds came from private donations, from surplus of Gathering fees, and from the proceeds of Faerie auctions.
The Eurofaeries Stewards will promote the mission of the Eurofaeries Foundation in perpetuity, and will continue to support Faeries throughout Europe to create new Gatherings, and raise funds that could not be covered otherwise.
The goals of the EuroFaerie foundation as a stichting were:
1. The foundations cause is to offer alternatives to a mostly urban gay culture, by creating the possibilities and location, to discover and to express gay identity and spirituality and everything that keeps a direct or indirect connection.
2. The foundation trusts to realize this cause by:
a. making visible the cultural, social and historical developments and backgrounds, through a newsletter made and produced by its members.
b. profiling and expression of causes mentioned above, through divers media channels and national and international manifestations.
c. The yearly programming and organizing of regional and national held workshops and gatherings to stimulate international exchange, available for participants from outside the Netherlands.
For information about using the EuroFaeries Fund for gathering organizing, please read this page.
Currently, a team of stewards is working on the updated goals and intention of the EuroFaerie Fund.