Final Gathering Call

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Dear Faeries,

After landing from Thailand or Featherstone it’s time to prepare your wings again, for this spring we’ll all be gathering again at the Lovely Faerie-Island of Terschelling! So recondition your wings, repair your dresses and polish your precious delicacies, because it’ll soon be Faerie-Island time!

The 13th Eurofaerie Gathering will happen from 11 until 22th of July 2011, at the lovely Dutch island of Terschelling. The registration-costs range from € 250,- for the tiny-winged Faeries to € 400,- or more for the power-winged Faeries amongst us.

If you’re up in the sky you can fly directly to the online registration form.

Share the love and spread the word: Faeries will be Gathering again at Terschelling!
Chundra, Jacky Monroe and LoveHaendel


3 Responses

  1. Goedemorgen Faeries,

    Ik meld me aan voor Therschelling 2011.
    Echter onder voorbehoudt.
    Ruim twee weken voor aanvang laat ik het definitief weten.

    Bedankt, Klinkeltje Robert Paul

    ps ik probeer te registreren, doch het lukt mij niet. Hoop dat dit bericht
    wel geplaatst wordt.

  2. Is there a price difference for those that are not able to attend the entire retreat? I would love to come by Terschelling but can only manage a few days off during this time, and my salary from Uv Tilburg is not that substantial. Looking forward to Faerie times regardless once back from Africa….

    Love and Peace to All

    Doug / Darwin

  3. Hi Fearies,

    Just a note, to let all of you know, that I’m considering going to Beltane in Folleterre, which will be held may 15th to may 20th. Also considering to hire a car, riding from Amsterdam to the venue. An option is taking a train, but it is a bit complicated. Travel on your own means freedom. Whatever, I’m happy to offer a ride. If someone wants to join, let me know. Love & Peace Open Air

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