Spring Greeting with the Faeries

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  1. Aaron (Pickles) Caramanis on Forum



Dragonfly, Sunlover and Fellina invite you to a Spring Greeting.

With the winter coming to an end, spring solstice only a fortnight away and the clock changing to summertime, now’s a good time to give spring a warm welcome. So let’s go bird watching, tree hugging and generally have a nature loving afternoon.

On sunday the 3rd of april we welcome you at Dragonfly’s home. From there we’ll have a walk in the Diemer Vijfhoek, a nature area at the edge of IJburg.
Afterwards we’ll have a heart circle and simple meal. Dragonfly will make soup and there will be bread, but please bring some food and drinks to share.

We’ll gather between 13.30 and 13.45 at the Pedro de Medinalaan 136 in Amsterdam.
From there we’ll go by bike or car to starting point of the walk. We’ll have a walk till around 15.30 and go back to Dragonfly’s home. There we’ll have a heart circle from 16.00 till somewhere around 18.00. Afterwards we’ll eat from 18.30 and finish when we feel like it.

If spring doesn’t want to be greeted and pours out a lot of wet stuff, we’ll just have a heart circle and meal at Dragonfly’s home. Your welcome then from 15.30 to settle down with tea and we’ll start the circle at 16.00. We’ll make an announcement on Facebook on the morning of the gathering if the weather is doubtful.

Hope to sea you on the 3rd of april,
Hugs and kisses,
Dragonfly, Sunlover and Fellina



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