Featherstone WinterGathering 2012

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Call all faerie folk, urban witches and woodland creatures to the 6th winter gathering at

in Northumberland, on the ancient isle of Albion; 27th january to 6th february 2012.

In a time of Planetary change and Spiritual awakening comes a space of limbo. Where we Beings can take stock and Re-group as Beacons of light and Knowledge lighting a way into this 21st century.

10 days to build the heart and hearth of community and experience the secrets and mysteries of love.

into the stillness of late winter just before spring’s outburst and celebrate the many colours of QUEER!

The gathering will feature:

    log fires
    love temple Rituals
    Balls of every kind
    meditation space
    rituals of light
    nature walks
    faerie feasts
    drumming and singing
    and whatever you bring to it…

this event is co-created by all present


FEATHERSTONE CASTLE lies in stunning Northumberland countryside, close to Haltwhistle, the central point of the sacred
Isle of Albion. It lies very close to Hadrians Wall. The old tower is over 700 years old, and like any self-respecting castle this one has ghosts… a whole wedding party full, hunted down and slayed by the bride’s secret lover

The Castle is a magical maze of corridors, magnificent rooms and haunted stairways. A touch of ancient Albion…. BUT
corridors and bedrooms can be colder than modern homes – be prepared. Mattresses at the castle are rather old, and extra mat/airbed to sleep on is worth considering if you are a comfort faerie. Bring heaters, faux fur coats, thermals, fairy lights and anything to spread a magic touch to our castle in the woods

We will be asking for volunteers to come forward in advance to plan dinner menus so that good planning can be made. Please let us know with your booking if you would like to cook for the group – you will be given full support from our kitchen goddesses and chopping crews.

Dogs: We have room for dogs at the castle. So if you are a dog lover and can’t bear to be parted from your beloved pooch, book your dog in too. Owners must provide food for their animals and some areas of the gathering will be designated as dog-free.

For more info and the registration form, visit the website: http://www.albionfaeries.co.uk/featherstone2012.htm




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