Quiet Gathering, 7 – 14 July 2013, Folleterre

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Come join us and gather amongst the magical forest to relax, recharge and reconnect.

This gathering is not a silent retreat, but more a space to explore connection to mind, body & spirit. It is a journey of unfolding into awareness of self, others and nature.

There will be many ways to explore connection on the land, including heart circles, sacred sound, yoga, nature walks, arts & crafts, sweat lodge, meditation, massage, dress making, gardening and whatever YOU want to offer.

Faeries of every description are welcome. Food will be vegetarian or vegan and we request that this is an alcohol and substance free gathering so that we can explore conscious connection with ourselves and each other.

The guide for contribution is between €160 to €320, but please be as generous as you can. We have a ‘no one turned away for lack of funds’ (notaflof) policy, as is the faerie tradition.

The number of faeries on the land will be limited to 30 for the gathering on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and we ask that faeries who attend make the intention to stay for the whole event, from opening to closing. The open ceremony will commence at noon on 8th July and the closing ceremony before the evening meal on 13th July.

Gathering organisers are Feather Pup, Coconuts, Cuddleslut and Absinthe. For more information or to register please email: quietgathering2013@folleterre.org




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