Very sad news: “geZel” aka Eddie has not seen a way out of his dark side

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Dearest Faeries near and far,

We are deeply saddened and distressed to report very sad news.farmboy geZel

“geZel” (aka Eddie) has unexpectedly stepped out of this life after a recurring and difficult personal depression. “geZel” left us in the night of Monday 25th of April 2011 and is survived by his loving partner Fred. Over the past weeks he visited several faeries and shared some of his current emotional turmoil. During last weekend he entered a psychiatrical clinic as things got really heavy for him, but this apparently has not prevented him from making this step that we can make only once. It has left us with a great sadness.

Though we are aware of the great love and support from his partner and the faeries, the news leaves us feeling very helpless and dis-empowered.

“geZel” has always expressed his love for the faeries by Doing Things! He did the entire administration of the Eurofaeries, Digitized and disclosed the entire archive, always came to Lumberjanes to work and could there typically be seen in his fabulous farmboy outfit. He also put much effort in making the faeries visible at Wikipedia.

After our warm embrace to Eddie that remain in our heart, we want to wish his partner, family and friends continued love and strength in the aftermath of our shared tragedy.

T-Love (aka Trixy)




4 Responses

  1. I never met GeZel. Seeing his image in the foto from Folleterre, my heart skipped a beat. Oh no! Another beautiful, vital person I never knew and never will know. […]
    At least GeZel’s friends and lover gave their love and support to GeZel.
    I am sorry for his loss.

    With love,

  2. Dear Faeries who will attend the funeral of our dear dear faeriefriend geZel tomorrow,

    Its good to know, that you are there tonight and that you will attend the funeral tomorrow.

    I am with you in spirit tonight and tomorrow.

    Much love
    eilendes Wasser

  3. Hello all,

    I remember when i first saw geZel on Terschelling, it must have been in the late 1990ies….. I thought that he was a good looking man.
    We hardly ever talked, at least not for a longer time, so I never really knew how he felt and what his views of life were, but I enjoyed his company and I appreciated the support he gave me when I was organizing gatherings in Berlin and he was very helpful. My thoughts go to his lover, May he find strength to go through the hard time. May there be people for him to support him and give him a shoulder if needed. Thank you, dear Dutch Faeries for taking the effort and doing a ritual for him and joining the funeral.

    I have a little suggestion, if anyone has a nice framed foto of geZel, could he/she maybe bring it to Terschelling this year so that we can put it on the Altar and he can be there in spirit during the gathering?

    big hug and kiss from
    shrinking buddha

  4. A harmonious celebration at the funeral took place today, with at first blowing the Conch to invite the spirits and every body to join the ritual the Faeries and Friends prepared for GeZel.

    We called on the four directions by two faeries and two girlfriends of GeZel, the other faeries circled in the middle moving to every direction of the wind, east, south west and north.

    We introduced 7 broken stones brought from Folleterre and placed them on the coffin, stones burned during many rituals of circles where faeries talked from the hart.

    We introduced a Talking Stick, chosen from the wood stack 1 1/2 years ago GeZel was making at Folleterre, we made the Stick the day before in a heart circle with Faeries and Friends.

    During the whole Celebration the Stick was used by all Family and Friends who opened their hearts and spoke in trust and remembrance of GeZel,
    music, dance, singing, earth sounds and spoken words were used.

    the Faeries are great full of all the great respond and silence of thoughts during these days from many faeries all over the world. Remember a Faerie.

    Faeries showed community can be strong, for each of us individuals this means that we are not alone in our journey of life, there are many faeries around us, the magic we share of nature and soul are binding us, open your hart when you need to.

    Blessed be you Faeries of the world

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